Laurentian Second Chance Rescue
Adoption Day — June 4th

9 AM – 4 PM / de 9h00 à 16h00

Welcome! And thank you for supporting Laurentian Second Chance Pets on their mission to rescue and find excellent homes for abandoned, abused and stray domestic animals.

Bienvenue ! Et merci de soutenir Laurentian Second Chance Pets pour atteindre leur objectif de sauver et de trouver d’excellents foyers pour les animaux domestiques abandonnés, maltraités et errants.

So you went and bought yourself a little plant, didn’t you? And now you need to know what that cute little thing will become in the next few months. Well, hang on. Let’s see what I can come up with. (And please pretend you don’t see any typos. I sat on my glasses and broke them so I can’t see what I’m typing.)


Q: Why is there a basil plant in my tomato pot?
A: My confidential sources* tell me that tomatoes and basil are best buds. They got each other’s backs, and tomatoes are a little sweeter when the baz is close by.

Q: Are these grown organically?
A: Yup! My lovely friend, Gina, donated a few, but I grew most of them. (On my balcony with nothing but TLC, sunshine, water and chicken poop.) And we both source our seeds from legit organic farms and gardens.

While I swear at technology and frantically try to update the plant details on this page, you can pop over here and check them out.

Black Krim Heirloom
Not much I can say about these beauties except that they’re too good not to try. I got some seeds in a swap last year. Tried to harvest some seeds in the fall but the fermentation failed epically. Instead of fermenting, they germinated. Every. Single. One! So I bought some seeds from 2 different Etsy shops. More on that later.

Black Krim
Chocolate Cherry
Sweet Pea Cherry
Honey Drop Cherry
Red Grape
Indigo Rose Cherry
Cherry: Garnet
* Farmers’ Almanac and some other randos on the net
